Sunday, September 23, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Variety Hour Recording Timeslots
I am hoping that I will not be the only car going. If you have a car and can take the group of 4 other people in your time slot with you to the Entertainment Technology Center... I will love you forever
*Driver, Pick up at UC Turnaround 15 Minutes Before Time Slot
Saturday, September 22nd
1. Jeremy Neuberg
2. Alex Andrews* (Will be taking my group @ 12:00)
3. Vika Kovalchuk
1. Alexandra Lezberg & Cameron
2. Jenna Steely
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Oh my. We are on a roll!
Okay. So we're not really a big deal. However this is what we have accomplished, and I can't wait to throw some teaser samples on here.
Maybe - Song recorded, filmed.
Empty Threats - Filmed, needs to be re-shot (BUT AMAZING!)
Tampons - Being filmed tonight.
Despite this amazingness, I have a feeling we are only going to be getting on Variety Hour in this semester. I hope to see it continue next semester... Hopefully!
What I have learned thus far in the production process. Ellen eats babies. Stick to your production times, people have to come to you. The producer must be there before everyone else, have food, and stay til the very end. People like funny things. You need money to function.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Update - 9.12.2007
Second: Everything else.
Production Meetings Every Monday @ 9:30
Changes to the Schedule
Production Meetings
It has been decided that Mondays at 9:30 will be the new "Weeklies." They are called "Dailies" on real sets. It will allow us to organize ourselves and resolve any conflicts that arise for the production schedule. It also brings us together for some rip roarin' fun. I'll try to get some snackies for future ones.
We will hopefully be showing off our first musical number, "Maybe," as well as our first digital short, "Empty Threats" to the rest of the cast.
Changes to the Schedule
1. Thursday, September 13 - Changed from 7:30-8:30 to 7:00-8:00 (Effects Alex A., Jon, & Blake)
2. Saturday, September 15 - Changed from 12-3 to 4-6pm (Dinner) (Effects Alex A., Ellen, Coleman, Jon & Blake)
We need Asians! You heard me! We will also look at anyone else interested in participating. Please let me know if there is anyone that is apt to take a good, funny, role. We will also be accepting original sketches, animations, creative designs (serious or funny), and anything else that can be thrown into the show.
Thank you everyone!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Rookie Mistake
Alex: So we’ve got the line up for next week under control? Vika, you get the costumes and prop list ready for the master, and get it ready for rehearsal next Tuesday, ok?
Vika: 13th or 14th century style for the “Renaissance Man” sketch?
Alex: 14th.
Vika: And the Helen Keller sketch, should I fit Jenna or Jess.
Alex: Let’s go with Jenna on this one. She’s been practicing. Jared, how’s the writing panel coming along for the last couple of skits?
Jared: They are ok. Not too great actually. The best thing they could come up with was Andy as a life and real size Tomagatchi. It would definitely hit our Asian demographic, but I doubt anyone else would think that’s funny.
Alex: Let’s roll with that for now. I’d rather see Andy in a big egg than blank screen. Get me something better. Alex, how’s the opening dance number coming along?
Alex L.: Famously.
Alex: Anything else? More than just famously?
Alex L: Nope.
Jeremy: Coleman, how’s your bit coming. Needs improvement. Times a thousand.
Alex: I’d rather watch Rosie O’Donnell’s morning rants in her sweats.
Jeremy: I’d rather drink ipecac.
Alex: Gross. I’d rather just make Coleman drink ipecac. Gosh darn Coleman, we decided to hire that broad you were hanging out with, Ellen? You’re gonna be her new parents. You’ll teach her everything you know, and that ain’t much. You got it? She was an orphan until you found her; we found her. Everyone, meet Ellen. Ellen meet… hmm, there’s an easier way to introduce everyone I think…
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Update - 9.5.2007

Today's Notes:
** What I need from you guys!
** First Official Cast/Production Meeting MANDATORY
** CMUtv Officially On Board
** First Rehearsal/Blocking Completed
** Final Script Retreat
** Christopher Crosby Farley After Party Formation Committee
Please email me your current class schedule (either a version from Schedule Man or simply a copy and paste from SIO). Also include any extracurricular activities that occur on a weekly basis (i.e. CMUtv meeting Thursday's @ 9:30). Please also send me your phone number. I should have most of them, but alas there are others I don't have.
This Sunday will be the meeting and delivering of the first "Official" script to the cast members and production team. The time for the meeting is currently at 8pm. If that does not work for you, please let me know ASAP. Location TBD; will let you know by Friday. (I feel like we are Dumbledore's Army; gathering in secret locations - we'll get approval soon!)
I would like to welcome Mr. Jon Kush to the email list. He is the acting Director of Cinematography. He joins us as a member of CMUtv, an organization we all will be getting to know throughout the next few weeks.
Ellen, Coleman, Jeremy and myself completed the first rehearsal on Tuesday for "Maybe." Starting at the next rehearsal, there should be notes available on the blog site, shortly after each rehearsal. We worked on the lines, the song, and the blocking. I can't wait to see what happens!!!!
This Friday, the final script will be rolled out. All lines, songs, and parts will be figured out and available by Sunday's production meeting. The Executive Producer, Co-Producer, Director and Producer of Cinematography will all be in attendance. The writing will take place from noon to five and the cinematography coordination will take place from 5 to 7. If you are interested in participating, shoot me an email.
The Christopher Crosby Farley After Party Planning Committee
The Variety Hour is going to name its after party in name of all of the deceased comedians that have pledged their lives to the entertainment world. The after party will be a legal event that will show the cast, and special invited VIP guests a good time as a celebration for the hard work each member has put into the production. The After Party takes place after the premiere.
If you are interested in being a part of this planning committee, please send me an email.
Thank you for everything so far guys. See you Sunday.
Alexander Andrews
Executive Producer
The Variety Hour
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Now Entering the Production Phase

Rehearsals will begin being posted here.
Thursday, August 30th
Ellen, Coleman, Alex A., Jeremy
"Maybe" Rehearsal
Meet in CFA
Tuesday, September 4th
Ellen, Coleman, Alex A.
"Maybe" Recording
Pittsburgh Technology Center (I will drive)
Saturday, September 8th
2:00pm (Time may change with Hall availability)
Ellen, Coleman, Alex A., Jeremy, Andy, Alex L., Jenna, Jess, Jared,
"Maybe" Filming
Sunday, September 9th
Mandatory Cast Meeting

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
First Fall Production Meeting

Welcome back to Carnegie Mellon, folks! Tonight is the first production meeting, and I couldn't be more excited! We have a working script at this point with three fully written songs along with digital shorts created by Jared Friedman and Jeremy Neuberg.
Tonight we start to decide what we're going to do about the production timeline and figure out everyone's schedules.
Starting next week we will be in the recording studio getting vocal tracks for the three songs. The following week we will begin filming.
More to come following the results of the meetings.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
We have also outlined the first episode and are looking for submissions for the two segments we still need to fill. There will be a preliminary reading available for cast members, tech, and other parties. All feedback provided will be accepted; positive, negative and any other sort. The submissions we are looking for are animations, scripts, digital shorts, or stand-up-like videos to fill 3 to 6 minute segments, as well as 7 to 10 situations
We are also looking for people willing to perform any of their songs; preferably and organized band or a talented musician that would like the chance to perform.
Please send all submissions to
All submissions will be reviewed and placed into the CMU Variety Hour Library for current and future use.
Tomorrow a preliminary script will be available for all members. A constitution will be available by the end of the summer as well as access to the 2007 budget.
-Alex Andrews
Beach Retreat 2007
An update will be posted tomorrow with all of the results.
-Alex and Jeremy
Monday, May 21, 2007
Potential Change of Show Format
If all else fails, we are going to look into Plan B. I suggest working with CMUtv to create a televised Variety Hour to start. It will be Chappelle Show like where we have a host (The only difference is that we're acting like we're in front of an audience with sound effects) and there would be a bunch of sketches and digital shorts compiling the show. There would be an introduction to each skit. We could do a lot more with digital shorts and it would allow us to be more versatile.
Post your thoughts.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Update From Executive Producer

Right now, we're looking at several d-lists. Each one has its role.
Overall D-List: Monthly Newsletter, Large Production Update
Overall B-Board: Monthly Newsletter, Large Production Updates, General Discussion
Tech D-List: Props, Costumes, Lighting, Sound, ABTech, CMUtv, Producer, Director, Co-Producer, Secretary, Stage Manager
Actor D-List: Director, Actors, Producer, Co-Producer, Secretary, Stage Manager
Board of Director: Producer, Co-Producer, Treasurer, Secretary, Artistic Director, Technical Director, Stage Manager.
Secretary will be in charge of managing and keeping these lists up to date.
We have created the Board of Directors and are slowly filling the positions that will make the first show the best show.
Executive Producer - Alex Andrews
Co-Producer - Jeremy Neuberg
Director - Ellen Hyland
vocal Coordinator - Andy Hafenbreck
Music Coordinator - Jason Calaiaro
Technical Coordinator - ABTech
Public Relations - Vika Kovalchuk (Sp? Sorry darling)
There are a lot of other positions that are currently assigned, and as I remember them or find them written in the many notebooks I will keep an eye on them.
Right now our cast members are the following:
Spencer suggests that you do a sexy jungle theme.
Something on the Steeler's related would be sick. Duct tape dress?

Jenna Steely
Communication Design Major
I want to do a Goldie Hawn-esque, Laugh-In Style photo shoot for her.

Andy Hafenbreck
Decision Sciences Major
Vocal Music Minor
I want to do a cool James Dean-esque, Italian White T-Shirt Blue Jean, sitting out on a window sill photo shoot.

Michael Selevan
Electrical & Computer Engineering
An on-stage in action shot would be sweet; chillin' on the edge of the stage.

Dhruv Mathur
Information Systems
I think a very suave, country club, preppy shoot would be sick.

Shayna Watson
Creative Writing & Psychology

Jessica Moss

Alexander Andrews
Decision Science
Entertainment Technology

We'll be ready soon!
-Alexander Andrews
The Variety Hour Blog
The Variety Hour is now under way. We recently had a meeting with abTech, CMUtv, a couple representatives from ReadMe, several of the actors and potential actors, as well as the production crew.
Constitution is underway and heading in an amazing direction. The readable version of the constitution, "The Bible," will be done by the end of June.
The budget is doing very well - we need to figure out exactly what it will cost to make a huge "V" and "H" as well as all of the minor costs associated with the Variety Hour.
Will continue this shortly.