Hey production team! Here are a few updates for you. Please take a few minutes to read through. This can also be found at thevarietyhour.blogspot.com.

Today's Notes:
** What I need from you guys!
** First Official Cast/Production Meeting MANDATORY
** CMUtv Officially On Board
** First Rehearsal/Blocking Completed
** Final Script Retreat
** Christopher Crosby Farley After Party Formation Committee
Please email me your current class schedule (either a version from Schedule Man or simply a copy and paste from SIO). Also include any extracurricular activities that occur on a weekly basis (i.e. CMUtv meeting Thursday's @ 9:30). Please also send me your phone number. I should have most of them, but alas there are others I don't have.
This Sunday will be the meeting and delivering of the first "Official" script to the cast members and production team. The time for the meeting is currently at 8pm. If that does not work for you, please let me know ASAP. Location TBD; will let you know by Friday. (I feel like we are Dumbledore's Army; gathering in secret locations - we'll get approval soon!)
I would like to welcome Mr. Jon Kush to the email list. He is the acting Director of Cinematography. He joins us as a member of CMUtv, an organization we all will be getting to know throughout the next few weeks.
Ellen, Coleman, Jeremy and myself completed the first rehearsal on Tuesday for "Maybe." Starting at the next rehearsal, there should be notes available on the blog site thevarietyhour.blogspot.com, shortly after each rehearsal. We worked on the lines, the song, and the blocking. I can't wait to see what happens!!!!
This Friday, the final script will be rolled out. All lines, songs, and parts will be figured out and available by Sunday's production meeting. The Executive Producer, Co-Producer, Director and Producer of Cinematography will all be in attendance. The writing will take place from noon to five and the cinematography coordination will take place from 5 to 7. If you are interested in participating, shoot me an email.
The Christopher Crosby Farley After Party Planning Committee
The Variety Hour is going to name its after party in name of all of the deceased comedians that have pledged their lives to the entertainment world. The after party will be a legal event that will show the cast, and special invited VIP guests a good time as a celebration for the hard work each member has put into the production. The After Party takes place after the premiere.
If you are interested in being a part of this planning committee, please send me an email.
Thank you for everything so far guys. See you Sunday.
Alexander Andrews
Executive Producer
The Variety Hour
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