Right now, we're looking at several d-lists. Each one has its role.
Overall D-List: Monthly Newsletter, Large Production Update
Overall B-Board: Monthly Newsletter, Large Production Updates, General Discussion
Tech D-List: Props, Costumes, Lighting, Sound, ABTech, CMUtv, Producer, Director, Co-Producer, Secretary, Stage Manager
Actor D-List: Director, Actors, Producer, Co-Producer, Secretary, Stage Manager
Board of Director: Producer, Co-Producer, Treasurer, Secretary, Artistic Director, Technical Director, Stage Manager.
Secretary will be in charge of managing and keeping these lists up to date.
We have created the Board of Directors and are slowly filling the positions that will make the first show the best show.
Executive Producer - Alex Andrews
Co-Producer - Jeremy Neuberg
Director - Ellen Hyland
vocal Coordinator - Andy Hafenbreck
Music Coordinator - Jason Calaiaro
Technical Coordinator - ABTech
Public Relations - Vika Kovalchuk (Sp? Sorry darling)
There are a lot of other positions that are currently assigned, and as I remember them or find them written in the many notebooks I will keep an eye on them.
Right now our cast members are the following:
Ellen Hyland
Junior, Mechanical Engineer
Spencer suggests that you do a sexy jungle theme.
Something on the Steeler's related would be sick. Duct tape dress?
Spencer suggests that you do a sexy jungle theme.
Something on the Steeler's related would be sick. Duct tape dress?

Jenna Steely
Communication Design Major
I want to do a Goldie Hawn-esque, Laugh-In Style photo shoot for her.

Andy Hafenbreck
Decision Sciences Major
Vocal Music Minor
I want to do a cool James Dean-esque, Italian White T-Shirt Blue Jean, sitting out on a window sill photo shoot.

Michael Selevan
Electrical & Computer Engineering
An on-stage in action shot would be sweet; chillin' on the edge of the stage.

Dhruv Mathur
Information Systems
I think a very suave, country club, preppy shoot would be sick.

Shayna Watson
Creative Writing & Psychology

Jessica Moss

Alexander Andrews
Decision Science
Entertainment Technology

We'll be ready soon!
-Alexander Andrews
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